Transport - Statistical Data - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Labuhan Batu Selatan Regency

Welcome to the official website of BPS-Statistics of Labuhanbatu Selatan Regency || To get the BPS data, you may come in to the Integrated Statistics Services Unit at the Office, Jl. Lintas Kotapinang-Gunung Tua Desa Hadundung Depan Rumah Dinas Wakil Bupati|| The Integrated Statistics Service is open every weekday, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM WIB ||

Statistics by Subject

Provides statistical tables and publications grouped into various CSA (Classification of Statistical Activities) subjects v1.1. Apart from that, the tables provided also include tables in Indonesian Statistics publications.



Transport – covers statistics on all modes of transport (air, rail, road, inland waterways, sea), includes topics like transport infrastructure, equipment, traffic flows, personal mobility, safety, energy consumption, transport enterprises, passengers and freight transport, transport sector trends, road traffic accidents.



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